Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photoshoot with 100 Plus

Did a photoshoot for 100 plus with Sean, Shermain, Jasmine and Jolyn! We all had different poses to shoot. Sean and Jasmine were supposed to do a running shot, drinking from the 100 plus bottle while running. Jolyn, standing shot drinking from bottle. Shermain running in a subway. And me, on a bicycle drinking from the bottle. Photographer supposed to capture natural images of us.

totally not easy

We did the shoot around SMU campus and a car park nearby. It was not easy to look nice and natural drinking from a bottle while riding on a bike. The speed, distance, lighting, everything needs to be perfect. So did quite a number of rounds. Round and round until my butt hurts for like a week. It's like something squeezing in between your crouch area. Damn, the whole week i went out keep touching my butt..

Me and Jolyn


Preview of some behind the scenes photoshoot pictures with AR, MMK and friends. Maybe i'll do a longer post on this next time.

I'm working with a camera brand recently, but until everything is official then i will reveal and blog more about it.

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