Monday, February 21, 2011

F.I.S.H by Fish and Co

Recently went to a place called [F.I.S.H] by Fish & Co. Apart from seafoods, it offers a wider range of food selections from meat, salads and more desserts!

What caught my attention was the layout of the restaurant and their salad buffet! The one that i visited was at 313@somerset along orchard road. Free flow of salads at $12.90++. Perfect for health conscious people and salad lovers! Thanks to my poly school friends' introduction that got me to discover this secret hideout.
Roxanne, Jane, Tricia, me

The salads are really fantastic. The line of selections include Shiitake and Enoki mushroom salad, papaya salad, salmon salad, Romaine lettuce salad, Japanese cucumber salad, Chilli crab salad and even Nachos, along with various dressings and dips. I ordered a main course salmon fish to go with, because i was really hungry. It is also up to expectation.

313 Orchard Road #B3-37/38
Singapore 238895
(65) 6634 0478

Nearest MRT: Somerset

Opening hours: 11:30am – 10pm daily

I'm hungry again...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All about internet stuffs

OK, that's it! This is something i need to speak up.

It's about all sorts of internet abuse i've been seeing ever since i joined facebook/twitter. I don't know if you guys ever noticed or agrees with me.. Sometimes it really makes myself wonder why these people exists around me..

1) Internet haters

I'm perfectly okay with people who voice out their thoughts or how angry they feel about someone or what's happening around them. Either in twitter or status update. That's the purpose right? 'What are you thinking now'. But i'm not okay with people using these tools as a mean to scold people, yet without them knowing. Let me give you an example.

tweet 1: the people behind me are making so much noice, it's damn irritating!
ok this is perfectly fine for me
this is a loser

I really do not understand what is the point of doing this. The lads behind you will be not be quiet or even soften their volume the least. What you should do is grow some balls and turn back to tell them to lower their volume. What you chicken can do is, vanquish your anger in IT. Abusing technology. That's what i deem the real cowards of the 21st century. They make alot of noise over twitter or facebook but lack the courage to tell the person off in their face. Shame on you, and yes, after seeing this trend from someone. I will unfollow them or delete them away.

That brings to another point, scold someone in the language they understand.

I don't see how are you going to hurt the other person if he/she can't even understand what you trying to say. But you look funny speaking alien language and all the absurb body language. In the end if you're not going to hurt his feelings i think might as well don't embarrass yourself. And most of the time, i bet half of the people don't even understand what they themselves are scolding.

2) Emotional Freaks

What's wrong with you people? Are you suffering from depression? I'm okay to see you post emotional stuffs. Every once and then. But what's with it posting almost every hour and for how long? Months?! Or are you yearning for people to come sayang you everyday. Tell you something sweet and nice. Please, people will do that until they get sick and tired of your nonsense and totally ignore any form of emo from you. It's like the story the boy who cried wolf. You do not need any person, or incidents to make you sad. You are an emotional freak yourself. Wake up, go see a doctor. Maybe you need him to prescribe you with a big slap in your face. I really feel like giving them roundhouse kicks to their face so they most likely will start tweeting about pain, than getting emo.

3) Cyber PDA

I love you. I love you too honey. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about you too honey. Can you both subscribe a mobile phone line and use the freaking SMS to do that? Instead of posting it on facebook or twitter. It always flood my news feed, or twitter wall. Especially if i'm following the both of you! This is not less of a difference from all the people who got caught on trains, buses, public doing hanky panky stuffs and stomped. It is still PDA! Public display of affection. Spare a thought for all your friends, unless you only have 1 friend who is your other half. I tell you it's damn disgusting and turn off to see a couple lovey dovey all day and night. ARGH!!

You might just say with so much unhappiness i get from using twitter or facebook why not i just delete away my accounts and i'll spare myself from all these. Facebook and Twitter to me, is a form of communication, sharing, keeping in touch with my normal friends. But what i just pointed out were plain irritating incidents. I'm not trying to bring down anyone here or whatsoever. But if you have been committing what i said above. Reflect again what others might be thinking and have not been voicing out.

A penny for thought.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I may be unrealistic but i want to spend the rest of my life with the one i love here

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Year Eve

Kelvin and his family, Joel, Shuling and my family

Gong Xi Fa Cai

How did u celebrate ur chinese new year eve? I celebrated New Year's Eve this year in Singapore flyer with my family, friends and the 95.8fm DJs inside a capsule! Not only that, I bumped into Nicholas Tse, Cecilia Cheung and their kids there. They were there dining at the restaurant and literally walked past me. I did not take a photo of them!! But Cecilia is damn pretty.
Preparing the Yu Sheng

It is a private event where lucky winners of some lucky draw gets to attend this countdown session together with the 95.8fm DJs and lao yu shueng together inside the capsule of singapore flyer. Thanks to F&N, I got some tickets enough for my family to attend. The whole event starts off at 9pm all the way after 12am. And alot of activities are planned for us.

The view from the flyer is simply fantabulous. From our side, we can see the floating platform where there is also a countdown party taking place. The whole ambience is simply great. With my family and friends eating and drinking inside the capsule soaking ourselves in this festive mood and looking down at Singapore's best night scenery. At the highest point of the ferris wheel, then we started the 'luo hei' session. Huat ah to the new year of rabbit!!
Kelvin, me and my brother also got a short interview by the DJ.
My family

Later on followed by a series of activities organised by 95.8fm. Includes singing of new year songs, performances, lion dance and zodiac master reading out all the chinese zodiac signs for the year of rabbit. My chinese zodiac sign is rabbit and it sucks to be rabbit this year from what i heard. But i shall BRACE MYSELF through adversities!

It's now close to 12am and we started counting down to every second. 12am strucks and fireworks could be seen shooting towards the skies. Woo! It's the year of rabbit! This year is going to be another year of awesome-ness!

I wish everyone good health and smooth sailings in whatever u do! HUAT AH!!!